Our Board of Managers 2024-25
Coon Creek Watershed District is administered by a Board of Managers made up of 5 members. Each Manager serves a 3-year staggered term. A Manager is usually nominated by a local unit of government, often a city, and appointed by the Anoka County Board of Commissioners.
The Board is authorized by statute MS103D.325 to employ a professional staff to carry out its duties with direction taken from the Comprehensive Plan.

Jim Hafner
Appointed originally in 2023
- Title: President
- Term expires: 2026
- Email: jhafner@cooncreekwd.org
- Phone: 612-508-3703
- Address: 12309 Goodhue St NE, Blaine, MN 55449

Erin Lind
Appointed originally in 2023
- Title: Vice President
- Term expires: 2026
- Email: elind@cooncreekwd.org
- Phone: 612-418-3570
- Address: 1132 – 93rd Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433

Mary Campbell
Appointed originally in 2022
- Title: Treasurer
- Term expires: 2025
- Email: mcampbell@cooncreekwd.org
- Phone: 763.742.5360
- Address: 2160 111th Ln NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55433

Dwight McCullough
Appointed originally in 2018
- Title: At-Large/CAC liaison
- Term expires: 2027
- Email: dmccullough@cooncreekwd.org
- Phone: (763) 464-8363
- Address: 554 134th Lane NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304

Jason Lund
Appointed originally in 2023
- Title: Secretary
- Term expires: 2025
- Email: jlund@cooncreekwd.org
- Phone: (612) 310-0467
- Address: 14948 Madison St NE, Ham Lake, MN 55304