Epiphany Creek Biochar and Iron-Enhanced Sand Filter (ECBIESF)
The Coon Creek Watershed District in partnership with the City of Coon Rapids has constructed an in-ground filter to reduce pollution in Epiphany Creek and Coon Creek. Coon Creek currently does not meet federal and state water quality standards for aquatic life and recreation due to excess phosphorus and E. coli bacteria in the Coon Creek watershed.
The Goal
This project will reduce phosphorus and E. coli pollution attributable to urban stormwater runoff. Target reductions are 23 lbs of phosphorus and 404 billion bacteria organisms per year.
How It Works
This filter will use sand, iron filings, and biochar filter media to bind and remove phosphorus and E. coli bacteria from urban stormwater runoff. The iron removes phosphorus which is the nutrient that supports rapid algal growth. The biochar removes E. coli which is bacteria commonly found in animal waste.
Epiphany Creek flows through Robinson Park in Coon Rapids. The filter is constructed within the floodplain adjacent the creek. A structure is constructed within Epiphany Creek to divert polluted water over and through the filter. Cleaner water then leaves the filter via drain tile and continues its path to join with Coon Creek.
This project is supported by a Clean Water Fund grant. Click here for the 2022 All Details Grant Report.
Review the latest grant report.
Construction Updates
Construction, site restoration, and vegetation is now substantially complete!
June 2023 – Construction report is here!
Public Meeting – Completed in 2022
A public informational meeting was held at Coon Rapids City Hall Civic Center Room A Tuesday, May 24, 2022 at 6pm. Click here to view the presentation.
Questions? Email Jon Janke, Director of Operations, by clicking this link