Pleasure Creek South Biochar and Iron-Enhanced Sand Filter (PCSBIESF)
The Coon Creek Watershed District in partnership with the City of Coon Rapids is constructing a large, in-ground filter to reduce pollution in Pleasure Creek late. This creek currently does not meet federal and state water quality standards for aquatic life and recreation.
The Goal
In concert with a similar filter (click for webpage) constructed 2 miles upstream in 2020 at the Pleasure Creek Parkway pond, this project will reduce phosphorus enough to achieve Clean Water Act goals established for Pleasure Creek!
How It Works
This 7,000 square foot filter will use sand, iron filings, and biochar filter media to bind and remove phosphorus and E. coli bacteria from urban stormwater runoff. Target reductions are 19.2 lbs of phosphorus and 270 billion bacteria organisms per year.
Pleasure Creek flows through a stormwater pond located between Evergreen Blvd and the BNSF railroad in Coon Rapids. Water will be pumped to the filter from this pond. As the water flows through the filter media, the phosphorus binds to the iron filings and the E. coli bacteria bind to the biochar. The cleaner water then goes back into Pleasure Creek.
Construction Info
June 2023- We have an update! Here’s the latest construction report
Review the latest grant report.
Public Meeting
A public informational meeting was held virtually by Zoom on Thursday, September 9, 2021 at 6pm. Please click here to view the presentation. Questions? Contact Justine Dauphinais, Water Quality Coordinator by clicking this email link.
This project is supported by a Clean Water Fund grant.